Shipping Policy
Shipping & Delivery
All orders are processed within 1-3 business days. Our standard shipping methods are FedEx and the USPS Postal Service. In transit shipping time can range from 1-5 business days after your order ships depending on your location and which fulfillment center your order shipped from. Shipping and handling charges are based on the following:
- The weight, size and dimensions of your items
- Your shipping preferences
- The delivery option you choose
You’ll see your shipping cost listed on the “Place Order” page in Checkout before you submit your order. After reviewing the page, you can submit your order. We try our utmost for have accurate information on our website. Sometimes prices are marked wrong or an image is shown that is incorrect. We do not take any liability for this mistake and will fully refund your purchase if this were to happen.
Free Shipping Policy
We offer free shipping for any order that is shipped to the contiguous 48 states marked at $650 or higher. There is no free shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, APO/FPO, or Puerto Rico. The free shipping method will be shipped the cheapest way possible and may or may not include a tracking number. Shipping time will take approximately five (5) to ten (10) business days to arrive. If you need your order at a quicker time, you can choose a quicker shipping method of your choice.
If your order contains a high-value item, or something that cannot be hidden at the time of delivery, we may require signature at the time of delivery. This ensures you are the one that actually receives the item and there is no theft involved. You may request a waiver of this signature option at your discretion. However, if a signature waiver is requested for an order, Stroller Universe removes all responsibility from the order once the order is marked as “delivered” with the carrier. Stroller Universe will view this order as complete and any loss or theft on the order must be taken by the customer to the carrier. Stroller Universe is not responsible for any claims once the item is marked as delivered and a signature option was waived by the customer.
Prices displayed on this website do not include taxes. When you proceed to purchase your order, sales tax (if applicable) will be calculated on the total value of merchandise, and will be displayed on your Order Summary page.
For more information please contact us by email at or fill the form in the contact page indicated.